United States immigration policy is non-existent. If someone were to fly into JFK from another country, burst through security and made a run from the street, they would be arrested and vetted. But we’re not doing that at the US southern border. Thousands, the most in four years, are arriving and being taken to cities and towns in the interior of the US with few checks for criminal backgrounds or infectious disease. In addition to human trafficking that’s going unchecked, the southern border is acting as an open door for the smuggling of opioids which have been a crippling families across the district. You likely know someone, maybe someone in your family, who’s harmed themselves and those around them abusing opioids like oxycontin, hydrocodone, and fentanyl. We need an investment both in treatment of these addictions, but also in mental health which is many times the underlying cause of these addictions.  

The border needs to be sealed with ports of entry. Republicans, democrats, and independents are not against legal immigration, but we can not have an open border as we have under the Biden administration. The United States wants to know who is coming into the US so that they can be a part of the country and not living in the shadows as they do now. With a sealed border, we can get republicans and democrats to the table to take on changes to immigration policy in Congress, as opposed to leaving it to the whims of presidential executive orders that can change every four years. The president is in charge of enforcement of policy; congress has abandoned its duty to make that policy law. 

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